About The Authors

Ethan Mosley

Ethan was only 8 years old when he published his first book, Ethan and Elijah's Epic Adventures, on October 26, 2020, with his aunt, Syreeta. He has a very active imagination and loves playing with dinosaurs with his older brother, Elijah. They both enjoy creating stop-motion movies, drawing, and reading. Ethan looks forward to writing more books in the future.

Syreeta Johnson

Syreeta is a wife and mother of two. She co-wrote Ethan and Elijah's Epic Adventures with her nephew, Ethan. She also published the coloring book Michelle E. My Big Brother And Me, dedicated to her children. Her most recent publication is a poetry book titled Changing Tides. Syreeta plans to publish more coloring books and looks forward to future collaborations with Ethan.Â